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How do we analyze a mechanism?

Analysis of a mechanism allows us to determine the laws governing movements of the links, i.e. to examine kinematics of the mechanism and calculate modifications of force interactions between the links with due account of forces and weights (dynamic analysis of the mechanism). If the analysis of the mechanism is made during its design, then the researcher performs the following actions:

  • determines optimum sizes and force parameters of the mechanism using a set of assessment criteria;
  • estimates interactions of the elements of the design and uses the obtained data for structural strength calculations;
  • estimates interactions of the elements of the design and uses the obtained data for strength and durability calculations of standard items and transmission units of the mechanism.

Analysis of the mechanism can be made for an existing product to predict its behavior in new unfavorable conditions or to take into account impact exerted by any unit on the performance of the designed product as a whole. It helps identify weak points in the structure and the conditions when the unit has the least reliability and can become the cause for the product failure. Such surveys allow identifying the cause of the failure and its elimination.

Options of mechanism analysis

Basic mechanical analysis incorporates kinematical and dynamic analysis of simple lever mechanisms and transmissions, including calculations of input transfer functions as a force or movement, as well as preparation of initial data for strength calculations of FEA and calculations of strength/durability of standard elements and power transmissions.

It also includes calculations of transmissions and verification of mechanism durability to determine limiting elements for the mechanism.

Unlike basic mechanical analysis, advanced mechanical analysis is characterized by the fact that it includes calculations of a complicated unit (for example a suspension or a complex transmission element) that may also include nonlinear hydraulic or friction elements. Behavior of the model in this case can be calculated within a range of modified values for several variable input impacts and the researcher solves the task of optimization of the existing mechanism or designs a new product. Also, advanced mechanical analysis includes cases when a mechanism operates with impact interactions.

Advanced mechanical analysis of transmission includes calculations for less favorable conditions as compared to the planned conditions, as well as formulation of recommendations on how to improve reliability and durability of the mechanism; such recommendations also include relevant verification calculations.

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To order the work, you should fill the form that you can download here, and send it to the indicated address.


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